Hurricane Preparedness Checklist

It’s almost hurricane season. Are you prepared? My motto is to get prepared and stay prepared, if possible. Before a hurricane comes, we whip out our Hurricane Preparedness Checklist and gather all the supplies on the list.

Hurricane season in Texas typically lasts from June 1st to November 30th, with the peak season occurring from mid-August to late October. During this time, Texas can be at risk for tropical storms and hurricanes, which can bring high winds, heavy rain, storm surges, and flooding. It’s important for residents and visitors in Texas to stay informed about weather conditions and to have a plan in place in case of a severe weather event.

This year is exceptionally worrisome since they are forecasting an extra active hurricane season. We hope that most of the storms that develop this year don’t hit land. However, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared just in case right?

Hurricane Preparedness Checklist

This hurricane preparedness checklist will go over just about everything you need to get prepared for a big storm. This year we are looking at having an abnormally active hurricane season. We all need to make sure that we are prepared for level 7 of Jumanji!

1. Grab Important Supplies Before They Run Out

Get over to the gas station as soon as you can. With all of the shortages of toilet paper and everything else, you’ll want to fill up not only your vehicle’s gas tank but also your gas cans.

Exchange your propane tanks. I don’t know about you but after a hurricane, I use my gas grill to make coffee and to cook! We have a grill with a burner on the side and it’s so nice to be able to cook almost normal meals!

Go to the store and buy essentials. Water runs out quick usually. Most people grab bread and milk too.

Go to the bank and pull out some cash. In an emergency, when the power is out, you might need cash.

2. To Evacuate Or Not? | Make A Plan

You may think early on that you won’t need to evacuate, however, these storms can be unpredictable sometimes, like Hurricane Harvey, which struck the Texas Gulf Coast in August 2017. Hurricane Harvey was a Category 4 hurricane at its peak intensity, causing catastrophic flooding and damage to homes and infrastructure. The storm resulted in 107 confirmed fatalities and an estimated $125 billion in damages, making it one of the costliest hurricanes in U.S. history. No one saw it coming.

The last hurricane to hit Texas was Hurricane Nicholas, which made landfall on the eastern coast of Texas on September 14, 2021. The storm caused flooding and power outages.

Don’t get caught at the last minute trying to pack. If a storm is coming anywhere near you, you should be packed and ready to go. Don’t risk life and limb being stubborn.

There are public shelters if you don’t have anywhere to go. You can find shelters near you on the Red Cross Website. Instead of staying in a shelter, maybe you can stay with family who lives out of state.

Create an Evacuation Plan

Where ever you decide to flee to, you’ll need a plan. Firstly, you’ll need to designate a family or friend as an emergency contact. Make sure to tell them where you are planning to stay during the hurricane. You can check in with them as needed, and they can update the rest of your family.

Second, you’ll need to plan a route, and then…plan a second one. An alternative route is important since you in large evacuations traffic can get pretty heavy. Third, you’ll need to pack. We’ve got a great list of stuff to pack in my free printable. I’ll be linking to that later in this post. Then, it’s a good idea to unplug electronics like TVs and microwaves. They say you should keep the fridge and freezer plugged in unless you expect flooding.

You should also elevate any important items, and if you have time you can elevate your furniture in case of flooding. Before you leave the house, cut off the electricity, gas, and water.

4. Gather Necessities | If You Plan To Shelter In Place

Making the decision to stay is an important one. So make sure you think about it. If things are worse than you thought, you’ll want to find a safe room in your home and hunker down. If you plan to stay, make sure to gather supplies

  • Candles, with a pan to sit them in so you don’t start a fire if they tip over. Or you could opt into getting an LED lantern or flashlight. You will need to make sure you have plenty of batteries, or if your flashlight takes a lithium battery, make sure they are charged!!
  • Batteries
  • Lighters
  • Weather radio
  • Food – non-perishables
  • Snacks – Don’t eat them all in one sitting you might be mad at yourself later!
  • Pillows
  • Blankets
  • Cell phone
  • Charger
  • Bug out bag
  • Money
  • First aid kit
  • Water
  • Pet Food if you have animals inside
  • Medication
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Duct tape – because you never know!
  • Garbage bags
  • Map, a good old fashioned paper map!
  • Spoon/Fork to eat with

5. Pack For Evacuation

Everyone will need clothes, toiletries, etc… Here’s the full Hurricane Preparedness Checklist that you can download at the end of this post.

  • Cell Phone, wall, and car charger – This is very important obviously! You want to be able to contact family after the storm passes to tell them you are ok.
  • Also, it is a good idea to have a power bank charger that will charge your phone. You will want to make sure all of your items are charged before the storm.
  • A weather radio is nice to help you keep track of the storm.
  • Toiletries – Such as toilet paper, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, lotion
  • Pillow, blankets, and if you like you can pack sleeping bags.
  • Candles, battery-powered lanterns, and flashlights.
  • Cash – It’s always a good idea to have cash in an emergency situation.
  • Bug Out Bag
  • Important papers such as birth certificates, social security cards, home, car insurance, etc…
  • First Aid Kit
  • Emergency Car Kit
  • Bottle water
  • Bottle juice
  • Can opener
  • Canned food
  • Family pictures
  • Wallet
  • Charge cords
  • Batteries
  • Change of clothes
  • Pet Food
  • Pet crate
  • Pet medication, if applicable
  • People medication, if applicable
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Duct tape
  • Garbage bags
  • Paper map
  • Spoon/fork
  • Baby Items, if applicable
  • Entertainment items such as board games, cards, and books.
  • Masks – This year, we’ll be adding this in addition to the regular supplies with everything going on. If there is an evacuation, we may see an increase in the spread of this 2020 bug that’s going around.
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Gloves

Baby Items

  • Bottles
  • Formula
  • Diapers
  • Medicine if applicable
  • Diaper rash ointment
  • Baby wipes
  • Pacifier if applicable
  • Toy or blanket

Items For Entertainment

  • Board games
  • Deck of cards
  • Books
  • Crossword puzzles
  • Magazines

6. Hurricane Preparedness Checklist | Bug Out Bag Lists

If you don’t already have one, now is the time to build a bug-out bag. We have several, for each family member. We also wrote several posts on making bug-out bags. Including one that has links to Amazon to make it easier to build a great bag, it is called the Amazon Bug out Bag List.

This Dollar Tree Bug Out Bag is great for people who need more economical options. You won’t have the best quality items money can buy, but they may be helpful for a few days. In certain emergencies, that’s all you need.

We have a Vehicle Bug out Bag List, also. It is the perfect size to keep in your car or to have for evacuation. If you will be away from home during a storm, check out this EDC for Women too.

When a storm is near, you want to ensure that your basic necessities are covered. Building a bug-out bag will help you do that!

7. Animas & Livestock

If you think the building where you keep your animals is strong enough to endure the storm, then they may be able to stay.


When it comes to pets, you want to make sure that you are prepared to take them with you in the event of a hurricane. We understand leaving behind livestock; it’s difficult to prepare for all that.

When it comes to making preps for pets, we have a whole post on that! Check it out and make sure you are prepared on their behalf. It’s your responsibility!


We keep our chickens and ducks locked up, but we have pretty hardy chicken coops. The hardiest of them all is the Horse Trailer Chicken Coop.

Many people use their garages to house their chickens and other small animals during a really bad storm.

Fortify Animal Buildings By:

  • Boarding the windows.
  • Fortify doors
  • Cover any openings

Make sure you provide them with plenty of food and water, before the storm hits. You should not go outside during a storm!

Cows, Goats, Pigs, and Other Animals

Many people set their animals free before a storm, since some buildings may just collapse in a storm. Animals have instincts on what to do during storms and may be better off fending for themselves.

If you have pigs, cows, or horses, you can write your number on their fur with either spray paint or with a permanent marker.

We have heard this works pretty well most of the time. Of course, there are some circumstances where they may be lost for good.

8. Food & Water | Hurricane Preparedness Checklist

As Homesteaders we may have the upper hand because we spend a lot of our time, preserving food. You may have canned food that you canned yourself, or maybe you have some ferments that you’ll be able to eat.

You may want to purchase some canned foods if you don’t have many home-canned items. Just to make sure that you have enough non-perishables to get your family through the next couple of days.

When the power goes out it might be out for 1 day or 3+ weeks. There is no telling how much damage will have to be repaired ahead of time.

So, don’t stock up on a bunch of fresh foods. Think perishables. Before the storm hits and the power is turned off, it is a good idea to try and eat up whatever you can.

Also, go ahead and freeze some bottles. When the storm knocks out the power get them out and place them in the refrigerator. This will help things keep cold in there.

You will want to keep the door closed as much as possible to prevent spoilage. Use your best opinion on whether or not to eat any of the items after that power goes out.

If the food gets too hot it might have spoiled. Please be careful and don’t get yourself sick!

Non-Perishable Food Items Idea List

  • Mountain House Foods
  • Canned food such as vegetables, meats, fruits, and soup
  • Canned milk, and cheese
  • Granola bars
  • Peanut butter, and bread
  • Fruits and vegetables that do not need refrigeration
  • Rice and beans

or water, check out my blog post on backup water supply.

Check out this huge list of NON-Perishable Foods! Or get a FREE 2-week menu plan using non-perishable foods at How Much Food To Store For Emergencies.

9. Outside Your Home | What To Do Before The Storm Hits!

Put away anything that could be picked up by the wind. You don’t want stuff to fly around and into your home! Ladders, patio furniture, and potted plants, all need to be stored in a safe place. This may be a shed or garage.

Close shutters before the storm hits. You don’t want to be outside during a hurricane passing over trying to close them!

Fortify your doors and windows! This may or may not be necessary. We think a category 4 is capable of busting open doors and windows. Learn more about how to fortify windows and doors at Texas Disaster.

10. Inside Your Home

If you decide not to evacuate, find the safest place in your home. A place without windows, doors, or openings of any kind. Also, it is best to find a room with little to no outside walls. This may be a closet or a bathroom.

If you are facing a major storm here soon, I hope that you farewell through them!

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