El Paso: Uniting Two Countries

Industry in El Paso

El Paso is a dynamic place that merges one of the largest border communities in the North American country. And it is that the city has the great advantage of being an important axis located between three states and two countries, which continues to be an attraction for the industry.

While the region offers an excellent quality of life, its business climate is one of the most competitive, as the geographic advantages it offers form the perfect combination for the development of new businesses.

Known as the Borderplex, this area is an alliance that unites two nations through El Paso and Ciudad Juárez. The alliance is developed through the promotion of policies in favor of development, the attraction of new jobs, direct foreign investment and the expansion of the businesses that exist today. There are more than 70 companies practicing in the Borderplex, some mentioned on the Fortune 500 list.

El Paso has an approximate population of 830,735 inhabitants (2012) and is the sixth most populous city in the state of Texas. Among the economic factors that influence its economy is the manufacturing program made by the Mexican government. The program supports foreign companies to establish operations in Mexico for the production and export of goods.

The success of the Borderplex in this sector is due to the fact that manufacturing companies have the opportunity to participate in the production exchange. With a vertically integrated presence, the companies have capital-intensive component manufacturing in El Paso and final assembly in Ciudad Juárez.

With more than 40 industrial parks, Juárez is a pioneer in the maquila industry. It has more than 300 plants, creating approximately 195,000 jobs, including for US residents.

Thus, the region is one of the largest manufacturing centers in both countries, where most are engaged in the shared production of automotive parts, medical devices, consumer products, electric motors, electronic components, and more.


The Foreign Investment Zone (FTZ) in El Paso offers some great benefits. Since its creation in 1982, the so-called Zone 68 has supported entrepreneurs by facilitating cost savings through services in the foreign trade zone. Importers can use the zone by activating their own facilities within any of the five regional sites or by using warehousing services. On average, more than 70 companies use the El Paso area to stay globally competitive. Clients can take advantage of a perimeter of more than 800 kilometers, representation in the goods of free zones with federal agencies and customs officials.


Thanks to its industrial parks, El Paso International Airport is one of the main airports in the developing country from non-aeronautical land, supporting more than 200 commercial companies and industrial operations. These parks are: Butterfield Trail Industrial Park, Global Reach Science & Technology Park, and Southern Industrial Park. All within a complex of more than 350 hectares that favors light manufacturing, storage, distribution and transportation operations, as well as call centers, hotels, commerce and restaurants.

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