Gardening in Texas

Gardening in our part of the world is quite a challenge, but with the right plants and the right techniques you can be a successful Texas gardener. Visit the posts below to find the plants that do best in our area and how to take care of them.

brocolli types

Types of Broccoli

Broccoli: How to Choose the Perfect Variety for Your Garden Broccoli is an incredibly versatile and nutritious vegetable that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Growing it in…

Perennial Basil

Is Basil a Perennial?

Basil: Annual or Perennial? The Definitive Guide. Basil is a popular herb that is used in many different cuisines and has a distinct and delicious flavor. It is also a…

Knockout Roses pruning

Knock Out Roses Pruning

Pruning Knock Out Roses: A Step-by-Step Guide Knock Out roses are popular because you barely need to lift a finger to enjoy all-season blooms. But pruning is a straightforward task…

Easy Plants to Grow in Texas

Easiest Plants to Grow in Texas

If you’re looking for easy plants to grow in Texas, you’ve come to the right place! With a mild climate and plenty of sunshine, Texas is an excellent place for…

White Texas Wildflowers

White Texas Wildflowers Identification

White Flowers in Texas Every year around April 1st, gorgeous wildflowers begin to bloom across Texas, and many spectacular wildflower drives are undertaken by Texans and out-of-state visitors. Texas contains…

Yellow Texas Wildflowers

Yellow Texas Wildflowers Identification

Yellow Flowers in Texas A wildflower is any non-native plant that grows in a natural or wild habitat. Furthermore, any native that blooms in its natural location (other than a…

Pest Control Naturally

Natural Pest Control

Organic Pest Control in the Garden Natural pest control is very important, not only for the planet but for your family as well. Children and pets are very prone to…

Companion Planting List

Companion Planting List

The concept behind companion planting is that some plants can help one another out if they are planted next to or close to one another. Companion planting helps some plants…

Texas Strawberries Growing

Growing Strawberries in Texas

Grow Texas Strawberries as an Annual in Special Pots or Raised Beds It takes extra care to grow strawberries in Texas though many people believe the result is worth the…

Texas Plants Heat-Resistant

Heat-Resistant Texas Plants

We’re really in the thick of it down here in Texas these days. The heat is on and it’s not for everyone… or every plant for that matter. Here are…

Sun Roses Need

How Much Sun do Roses Need?

There are a lot of people who love to grow roses. Unfortunately, not all of them have wide open spaces that can provide ample sunlight to their flowering plants. Large…

Cord Of Wood

How Long Does A Cord Of Wood Last?

How Much Wood Will You Need This Winter? A cord is the standard measurement that is used whenever you purchase wood or firewood. You can buy a face cord or…

Texas Ferns

Ferns to Grow in Texas

Ferns in Texas Ferns are the one plant that everyone knows, but knowing the individual species gets a little trickier. Use this quick and easy fern primer to help you…

Texas Tropical Plants to Grow

Tropical Plants to Grow in Texas

Tropical Plants Texas Many homeowners shy away from tropical plants when planning their gardens; they’ve had bad experiences in the past and are afraid they’re just throwing money away. Tropicals…

Central Texas Vegetables

Vegetables to Grow in Central Texas

Growing your own vegetables can be quite rewarding. It can also be very frustrating here in Central Texas. We have many insect pests and problems with high heat and drought….

Shrubs for Central Texas

Shrubs for Central Texas

Abelia This is a graceful large shrub with arching branches and small white blooms throughout the year (whenever the shrub feels like it). It gets quite large and should not…

herbs texas

Herbs that Grown in Texas

Herbs are some of the best plants in Texas. Most herbs like it hot and dry, so they are natural for Texas. Herbs are a pleasure to care for; trimming…

Flowers for Central Texas

Flowers for Central Texas

Central Texas Flowers The secret to successful flower gardening in Texas lies in knowing two facts: What flowers to grow here, and where to plant them. Once you have answered…

Trees Central Texas

Central Texas Trees

Trees that Grow in Central Texas Perhaps the most important facts you must know to be successful with trees in Central Texas are what trees do the best here, and…

shade plants texas

Shade Plants in Texas

Shade plants are important components of any Texas garden. Shade plants provide structure and texture to a landscape, while also creating living habitats for birds, butterflies, and other wildlife. For…

water Texas

Water Concerns for Texas Gardeners

In recent years we have heard more and more about the scarcity of water. This issue is one of major concern to us as gardeners since the most likely time…

Texas Wildflowers & Native Plants

Texas Native Plants & Wildflowers

What’s the Difference? The question of what is a native plant is many-fold and the subject of debate not only between the so-called experts but also among plant enthusiasts. With…

Rainwater Collection Texas

Rainwater Collection in Texas

Milton Pogue has seen many a hot, dry Texas summer come and go. Ask him if he’s lived here long and he stretches his arm out to the southeast, index…

Recommended Plants Texas

Central & Gulf Coast Texas Recommended Plants

Highly Recommended & Underutilized Plants for Gulf Coast Texas A list of underutilized and highly recommended plants for landscape use in Central and Gulf Coast Texas GC = Gulf Coast…

Texas Specialized Trees

Specialized Trees for Southeast Texas Area

List of Palm Trees Suitable for Gulf Coast or Zone 8 inland Texas Trachycarpus fortunei (Chinese Windmill Palm): trunks to 12′, a choice palm, hardy to 20 degrees. Rhapidophyllum hystrix…

Types Of Cedar Trees In Texas

Types Of Cedar Trees In Texas

Texas is home to a wide variety of cedar trees, some of which have been used for centuries as a source of construction material and as a natural deterrent against…

Bushes In Texas

Types Of Bushes In Texas

List of the types of bushes in Texas and what to know about them. Houses tend to look like factories and bakeries without beautiful bushes planted around. No livable house…

Cactus In Texas

Types Of Cactus In Texas

Texas Cacti and what you need to know about them. Cactus plants are marvels of design. These are the most demanding plants in the world. Plants that are specifically designed…

Types of Texas Grasses

Types of Grass in Texas

Grass is a multi-million dollar industry, in case you don’t know, and that is both on the side of landscapers who earn their money by planting and maintaining the grass…